Saturday, October 11, 2014

Let Your Inner Beauty Shine

I've been a firm believer of 'beauty is what you feel about yourself not about what you see in the mirror'. My late mother would always remind me that it is more important to be beautiful inside, to have a heart that forgives others, to help those who are less fortunate than you, rather than having a pretty outer appearance, nice clothes on but have a bad attitude. After she passed away, I valued these principles that she taught me even more and aspire to be like her as I grow older. 

There was a time during my teenage years when my face was very oily and filled with pimples. I would be embarrassed when I meet people because they had flawless complexion and here I was with a face that 'shined bright like a diamond'. K that was lame, sorreh. Thank God by the time I was in Form 4, my pimple issue was resolved and my skin was less oily. Hip hip hooray! 

As the years passed, I slowly learned to appreciate myself including my flaws because God had created me the way I am for a reason. By doing so, I began to become a more grateful person, I stopped comparing myself to others and I started to live life one day at a time at my own pace. Trust me, it feels really good when you're comfortable in your own skin. Don't listen to what people have to say about you because you must be doing something right for them to start talking about you. 

People who have known me for a long time would know that I'm the laziest person when it comes to make up and dressing up. Most of the time, I'm in t-shirt and jeans and my friends would complain that it is so hard to see me in a dress! I can actually count the number of times that I've worn a dress in the past few years.

In April this year, I was shortlisted to be part of a reality singing contest on Astro. During the time I was part of the contest, we attended singing, dancing, make up, styling, body language and communication classes. We were advised on how we should carry ourselves in the outside world in terms of personal grooming, our daily outfit and how to present ourselves to people that we meet. It was really interesting to be able to ask questions to industry professionals and to gain knowledge from them. 

Singing classes with Bo Hwa lao shi 

Media communication classes with MY FM DJ Jeff Chin

The profile shoot for Top 18 of Astro Star Quest 2014 

Nowadays I spend a little more time to choose what to wear, put on basic make up for outings with friends but that's about it. I don't intend to change my style 180 degrees right away because that would not be me, that would be a totally different Liyana so I just pick clothes that would suit my body shape and my taste. I tend to go for light colours, white being my favourite colour for tops but there are times when I venture out of my comfort zone and buy clothes that are more colourful. I normally go for the casual chic look, a simple top paired with skinny jeans and flats and I'm ready to go. 

Yesterday's purchase, the Porefessional primer which I normally use for outings and the Gimme Brow in medium/deep (it's the Chinese side of me, I have sparse eyebrows). I only use the Gimme Brow for events. Got a sample of their new product : they're Real push up liner

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