Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Holy Month of Ramadhan

It's been a month since I last posted on this blog. Been reflecting on things happening around me and trying to make full use of the holy month of Ramadhan by reading the Quran and it's translation, reading books and articles online as well as watch Nouman Ali Khan, Mufti Menk and Yasmin Mogahed videos on Youtube to know more about the deen and trying my best to abstain from listening to music, watching dramas etc. My daily routine for the month was to sleep at 2.30-ish am, wake up at 4 or 4.30am (depending on what food needs to be heated up) for sahur and go back to sleep after subuh prayers and reciting the Quran which would be normally at 7am or 8am and wake up in time for zohor prayers. There were days when my iman would hit rock bottom and I'd miss prayers here and there and also not recite the Quran at all but I try not to be so upset about it because if I did, my level of iman would be dragged even lower than it already is. 

Alhamdulilah the goals that I set for myself before Ramadhan started were achieved. This was by far the best Ramadhan I've ever experienced. It proved to me what I was capable of doing daily and that it was only my nafs' and maybe a tiny bit because of shaitaan's presence combined with laziness that was holding me back from performing my daily prayers, reading the Quran etc. I pray that we would all be given the chance to meet the next Ramadhan insyaallah. 

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