Thursday, July 3, 2014

Farewell, Ami Man...

I was with my cousins on the way to Pavilion for our long overdue makan date since it was the last day before Ramadhan started. It was like as if it was fated, we waited for nearly 15 minutes and there was no taxi available at all so we decided to take the bus. I had a missed call from my Dad, I tried calling him back but he was on the line. We got on the bus, paid the fare then Sara's phone rang. It was Umi Midah on the line. 

Sara's face was shocked and she said 
"Ami. Man. meninggal." 
My otak jammed for a bit there. 
I asked her again, "Apa? Siapa? Ami Man?"
"Aah, Umi suruh turun sekarang jugak, balik rumah. Kejap lagi nak balik Johor"

We quickly tekan the bell and got down nearby the Shell station on Jalan Ampang. There was no taxi nearby so we decided to walk all the way back to my Uncle's house.
As we walked, reality sank in and I started crying as his face kept appearing on my mind. The people on the walkway semua tengok je, apa hal budak ni nangis tengah tengah jalan ni. The news was so shocking as he was well when I last met him in April at Zyra's wedding. Still the usual Ami Man, asking me about my studies, singing, whether I wrote any new songs and discussing music.

Waited for the boys to be back and we left for JB. That journey felt like the longest trip I ever had back to JB. I couldn't sleep, all I did was think of my cousin, Caca, how hard this would be for a young 14 year old and I cried and cried and cried until I had a headache even before arriving in JB. I believe she is strong enough to overcome this test by Allah insyaallah. I was updated by Shamini on what was happening at the masjid and I was praying so hard that we would arrive in time to see his jenazah for one last time. Alhamdulilah, we made it to the Masjid just as they were praying Asar prayers. I hugged and cried together with my cousins, Ira & Caca, and later Aunty Zaidah, consoling them and telling them to be strong. Made my way to where the jenazah was and looked at my favourite uncle for one last time.

He was the first person in the family that I called when I got news that I was selected as the Top 18 of Astro Star Quest 2014 a few months back. He talked to me for about half an hour, telling me that I should give it my all because an opportunity like this is hard to come by, he gave me tips on how to sing and perform well and I kept him updated throughout the one month plus that I was in the contest.  He was proud of how far I managed to survive in the contest. I've lost this huge supporter and music buddy.

That Uncle who would always tease me and call me Liyana pot pet pot pet because I used to talk a lot when I was a budak kecik, the one who said 'Respect me like your Uncle but treat me as a friend', the one who had a great voice and amazing guitar skills, the one and only Uncle who gave the best hugs, the one who I thought would be present at my wedding as the wakil of the girl's side.

Indeed Allah is the best of planners. He took him away from us exactly 2 weeks after his 59th birthday. May Allah bless his soul and place him in Jannah, forgive his sins and let us be reunited in the Hereafter. Ya Allah, strengthen the hearts of Aunty Zaidah, my cousins and our families. 

I think he knew he was about to leave us, his last words to me was 'take care of yourself and your old man'. When I reread that message he sent me last month, I can't help but start crying again. Ya Allah, please take good care of my beloved uncle. I miss you, Ami Man. Until we meet again in Jannah insyaallah. You will always be in my prayers. 

Abang Hafidz's wedding in 2010

Ajin's wedding last June

His farewell song, My Way...